
Board of Directors:

The By-laws describe in detail the composition and responsibilities of the board of directors which is a total of 5 members: a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and a maximum of two additional voting members. These 5 have the voting rights and are charged with the management of all things relating to the Association.

Following the Rules:

While there are rules and regulations (CC&Rs) and Board Resolutions that govern behavior and activities allowed here in HDE, the board has never taken the position of being, nor felt they should become, a policing agency. Board members do not wander the neighborhood in search of violations. Typically violations come to the board’s attention via a complaint, after which the board then responds.

The board occasionally finds itself needing to make decisions that require enforcing the rules and regulations while at the same time remembering the value of a live and let live approach to daily life here.


High Desert Estates


2023 Consumer Confidence Report (drinking water report)

High Desert Estates Water Map


Coyote Prevention

Coyote Hazing  (Humane Society Guidelines)

The coyote related information is for your own reference and is NOT ENDORSED by the High Desert Estates Homeowners Association.  In the case of the hazing information, DO NOT ATTEMPT if there is any suspicion of Rabies!

Monthly Board Meeting

 The monthly HDE HOA Board Meeting takes place at 4:00 PM, on the second Thursday of the month at the HDE HOA Office located at 5980 SE Jerry Dr.

All homeowners are invited to attend these meetings.  To be included on the board agenda, questions/requests to be brought before the board should be submitted in writing to the board president at least five business days in advance of the meeting.